The AUIS Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (AEIC) was established in 2019 with an understanding of the close link between private sector growth and economic progress. Entrepreneurs in Iraq and its neighborhood struggle with challenges posed by limited infrastructure, mentorship, and capital. AEIC is filling that gap by providing aspiring entrepreneurs with access to mentors, pitching events, learning resources, and seed funding.
AEIC's mission is to empower Iraqi entrepreneurs and innovators by building a supportive and scalable ecosystem through research, education, networking, and partnerships. Its vision is to achieve a sustainable balance of job creation between the public and the private sector through entrepreneurship and innovation for the wellbeing of future Iraqis. The center's unique position at the nerve center of academic life grants entrepreneurs an unparalleled network of professors, researchers, and graduates with a broad range of experience in business development, information technology, and innovation. Through programs, such as the Takween Accelerator, Innovation Awards, and Campus Innovation Competition, AEIC is encouraging aspiring business leaders, mentors, and sponsors from Iraq and beyond to join an emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem.